New Product miilk subtitle advertisement in on-air

New Product miilk subtitle advertisement in on-air

Currently, the new copy paper product miilk’s subtitle advertisement is on-air through 3 terrestrial  TV broadcasting channels from May Nationally and regionally (Daegu, Ulsan, Busan). (Time table for May ~ July) We would like your interest and  promotional support as the advertisement will be continued in a similar range and scale until 31st December 2011.


* what is an id advertisement ?


Right after a program is ended, a screen showing the broadcasting name such as “Good Friend MBC” is aired, and the advertisement is below the screen in subtitles.


* What is a NEXT advertisement ?


It is an subtitle advertisement shown below the screen which shows the next program that is going to be aired.  It is in between programs, right after the TV-CM advertisement.