As a member of society,
Hankuk Paper is involved in various social contribution activities.

Hankuk Paper returns part of our profits in order to make a brighter society. Making a better future sharing the love and hope.


Scholarship Business

장학사업 이미지

Contributing to the development of the community
and leading the future of the Republic of Korea

Hankuk Paper has continued to contribute to the development of the local community by inheriting the thoughts of late chairman SongNam Dan Sa Cheon and devoted to discover and support leaders who would lead the future of Korea. We have been donating scholarships and books to schools and libraries around the Onsan Industrial complex. Also, we have been donating a considerable amount to the Hae Sung Academy annually to help with the studies.


Social Welfare

Hankuk Paper has expanded its social welfare activities with the foundation philosophy of ‘Contributing to Korea’s cultural development through Paper’. With the profits earned by the corporate activities and resources we seek various ways to make the world a better place by providing paper to the Social Welfare organizations or by supporting small-scale study rooms for less fortunate children.

수재 의연금 기부 이미지

Relief fund Donations

Provide paper for North Korean text books

  • Provided two hundred ton of paper for North Korea Text books in collaboration with UNESCO Korea. (Free support of one hundred ton.
  • The First Korean made paper supplied, sufficient to produce about 1.3 million text books.
북한 교과서 용지 지원 이미지
장학사업 이미지

Support Small-Scale Study rooms

  • Started the test business of supporting the study room from the regional children center (in Jeongneung 3dong ‘The Holy Mother's House’
  • Support education fees and volunteers.

Regional Activities

Hankuk Paper is strengthening the relationship with the regional society through expanding Human and Material exchange.

Volunteer Group Activities

  • Started a Volunteer Group ‘Han-A-Reum’ in Onsan Factory
  • Regularly holds a ‘One day Bar’ event in order to raise fund for the less fortunate neighbors
  • Give away Social Welfare raised funds and Facilities for the less fortunate neighbors.
  • Regional sharing Events (Provide lunch at Senior Citizen Center, tea time events and etc.) and One day Volunteer activities 
봉사서클 활동
1사 1촌 운동

One Corporate one village Activity

  • Sisterhood with Hahoe Village in Sampyeong-ri, Onsan-eup, Ulsu-gun
  • Creates Weekend Farm and donates harvested crops to the regional society (Potatoes, cabbages and etc.)
  • Invites regional residents to the factory event and support village events

One Corporate One School Sisterhood

  • Sisterhood with Onsan Elementary school and SamPyong Elementary school in Ulsan
  • Invites students from the sisterhood schools and give a tour of the factory
  • Donates funds for school improvement, books, scholarships and etc.
1사1교 자매결연 운동