1.조정공정, 2.초지공정, 3코팅공정, 4.완정공정

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01. Stock Preparation
  1. 1Pulper
  2. 2Refiner
  3. 3Chemical blend

Stock preparation, as a process immediately before sending the paper stock to the papermaking machine, determines the fundamental quality characteristics of the paper. Pulp, which is the main ingredient of the paper, undergoes dissociation and refining process, the blending process of mixing various chemicals including filler. Filtering process in the cleaner, scree and others then is sent to the head box of the paper making machine.

02. Papermaking Process
  1. 1HeadBox
  2. 2Wire
  3. 3Press
  4. 4Pre Dryer
  5. 5Size Press
  6. 6After Dryer
  7. 7Machine Calendar

Papermaking process, as a process of dehydrating and drying the paper stock to make paper, is comprised of creating stratum, compression and dehydration, drying, surface treatment and others. The raw material ejected from the head box is formed into web on the wire part, undergoes compression and dehydration process in the press part, residual moisture is evaporated in the dryer part, the thickness of the paper is controlled in the calendar then made into a product.

03. Coating Process
  1. 1Unwinder
  2. 2Coating Unit
  3. 3Dryer
  4. 4Reel

Coating process is coating the surface of the paper in order to enhance the paper’s printability and reproducibility of image. The paper that is sent to the coating part (coater) after being released from the unwinder undergoes the process of making the coating surface uniform with blade, load and others then it is completed into a product after being dried in the dryer. Depending on the product, gloss is added through super calendar process.

04. Finish Process
  1. 1Rewinder
  2. 2Roll Package
  3. 3Cutter
  4. 4Sheet Package   /
  5. 5Copy Paper Package
  6. 6Stock & Release

Finish process, as a process of fabricating into roll or sheet and packaging the papers that have completed the paper making or coating process in accordance with the requirement of the consumer, involves supplying the paper that has undergone such processes to the consumers.