[Exhibition] Hankuk Paper PecoToy X ARTE in 2016 Handmade Korea Summer

[Exhibition] Hankuk Paper PecoToy X ARTE in 2016 Handmade Korea Summer

Festival for people moving forward with their hand, conservatively

Hankuk Paper in 2016 HANDMADE KOREA SUMMER 


It is the biggest artist festival in Korea that anyone could participate in creative work by breaking down boundaries between fields and participating in hand-made creative work, the 6th Handmade Korea was held this year at COEX B Hall, Samsung-dong, Seoul, from July 21st to July 24th, 2016. Let's have a glimpse of the Hankuk Paper booth that has attracted the attention of visitors with its colorful visuals and composition among the many participants.


A festive festival that becomes rich every year


Handmade Korea 2016 is celebrated by leading brands and artists again this year. The number of booths have increased from last year, 660 booths filling up the hall, and more than 450 artists participated in this event, making it the largest artist festival in Korea. The exhibition included 'Art Town' with art and performances and illustrations, 'Life Town' with life and interior, Fashion & Beauty contents, 'Self-Town' with DIY remodeling & The theme has been divided into five themes ranging from 'Food Town', 'Quilt', 'Companion Animals', 'Creative Dolls', and 'Special Town' in relation to children enabling people of all ages to enjoy. Hankuk Paper has participated in this event as part of its efforts to communicate with the world through paper again this year. 



Play Paper, Paper Plays!

The Hankuk Paper machine booth, which is impressive with the idea of ​​splashing and the mood created by pleasant visuals, was different in appearance and composition. This Hankuk Paper booth concept, which was cooperated with the paper toys specialist 'Peco Toy', was a paper toys hall that made use of the characteristics of paper. The Competition of Project 101, a popular audition program, was transformed into a concept of a contest competition, allowing viewers who visited the booth to color their individuality in paper toys made of pure white ARTE. The paper toys on the main wall had a colorful color every time one person participated. In addition to that, during the four days of the event, five illustrators visited the Korean paper booth every day, introduced Art Wall, exhibited their paper toys, and performed live paper coloring performance and left a true metaphor of ‘synergy’. At the center of the booth, there was a large paper toy with a beam projector, completing a ‘Paper Sapience’. The unique installation that implements the animated dynamics of paper objects as opposed to the "dolls" that does not move, showed the anxieties and hard work of those who made up the Hankuk Paper booth. 

Real Communication Festival 

The paper toy coloring table, which was decorated like a cafeteria, played a role of a love room among visitors, and the space inside the Hankuk Paper booth has become a valuable experience place to exchange 'real communication'. It was a big meaning to go beyond the property called 'handmade,' as the children looked at the paper toys made by each other, and the mothers who watched the children and shared the smile. Even in terms of publicity and practicality, the Hankuk Paper booth has shone brightly. In the main event, visitors could take photos of their own paper toys in the photo zone, post them on Facebook, and make hash tags for ‘Hankuk Paper'. As a result, SNS was a two-way communication and brand PR. In addition, various promotional items using paper produced by Hankuk Paper, brochures, magazines, and post-its were put on display, so that visitors to the exhibition hall were able to imprint the excellence of Hankuk Paper products and also received miilk photocopy paper gift. The hall was crowded for a long time with the voices of cheers and expectations on the Hankuk Paper booth how it would be renewed at the next handmade fair.