The making of <The Papermaster>, a toolbox for artists, a total sample book

The making of , a toolbox for artists, a total sample book

The birth story of ‘The Papermaster’ Hankuk Paper Total Sample book

We will capture your art!


The Papermaster, is the name of Hankuk Paper’s total sample book that has been launched after waiting for 10 years. Based on Hankuk Paper’s foundation spirit which was to ‘contribute to Korea’s cultural development through Paper’, we were ready to work together with the national illustrators.  The sample book has been introduced to the world from a completely new attempt  which matches the vocabulary of ‘universal’ with its durability and aesthetic impression. 


| Completely new, Complete new


Paper is a basic work material which is very flexible in terms of types, thickness and color. This is why the plate serving paper on top should respect the paper and also look like the paper. 

Hankuk Paper Total Sample book ‘The Papermaster’ has been made into a special tool type for all the artists who uses paper.  The design was from the inspiration from the very beginning stage of art created by the artists and wanted to portray the role of paper into a more professional way. 

The 120 types of paper used to produce ‘The Paper master’ weighs about 67 tons, when arranged into total 70 pallets, the width would be about 3,300m². Since the total sample book has been launched after 10 years ‘The Papermaster’ has been invented to fulfil the needs and  expectations launching 10,000 sample books and 500 sets of limited edition VIP Sample books. The phrase ‘unprecedented in history’ fits the product as is a completely a new paradigm. The day the first of its kind sample book was born after a long journey, a lot of people gave their blessing. 


| Happy beautiful project


When you open ‘The Papermaster’, although it is just a coincidence, you would be able to find pictures in different colors making your eyes happy. This is because of the collaboration project with the illustrators to design to inner papers to make them more plentiful. ‘The Papermaster’ includes a lot of different works by the national artists making it feel the aesthetic impression like a premium catalog beyond being just informative. It is not just a sample book to look the papers, it is a book consists of ‘Art’. 

It appeals the artists who give new life to the paper at the same time.  Therefore, it enables you to estimate the artist’s end of the pen which infers a strong synergy caused by ‘The Papermaster’.


| Handmade process carving sincerity


One of the big difference when ‘The Papermaster’ is being compared with other company’s sample book is the handmade process representing the Thomson process and the toll processing. 

The Thomson process where the paper is being hammered and separate the paper seemed marvelous making the process feel like its alive, but the toll processing done by tens of staffs taping each page line by line and pressing the line is a proof that ‘The Papermaster’ is indeed ‘the paper master book’. Also, when visited the ChungMooRo workplace to check the making steps of VIP Total sample book bag, it was seen that the paper cutting, applying glue, and hammering the cleat with the bag handle was seen. The word ‘Handmade’ symbolizes the quality and sincerity maybe because of the self-evidence which refers to the last tool that has to be a hand in order to draw the eye of a dragon. Hankuk Paper shows a great effort to make the total sample book more valuable and complete by adding meaning and use handmade process. 


| Repay and Aims


The people who would be most delighted by the Hankuk Paper Total sample book are the people who uses the sample book the most, the  paper store, printing house and designers. The production of the sample book has started in the first place in order to provide a fast and effective paper information to the people who uses them the most.