한국제지 로고

Introduce yourself.
Hello, I am Taekjoung You from Hankuk Paper Planning Team. I majored in Economics and I always had interest in Finance and Strategic Planning. After graduation, I have started working for Hankuk in June 2014.
Introduce your current duty.
The Planning is mainly engaged in Business Management and Strategic Planning. Amongst them, I’m part of Business Management where our Team is in charge of various subject such as Business Planning, Business Performance Analysis, Profit Loss/Performance/Budget/Statistical Management.
What motivated you to
apply for the relevant duty?
I chose Business management as it was the quickest route to get an insight of Hankuk foundation itself as it holds the fastest information of current management status and the direction of next business strategy.
Were there any special
things to prepare before being
employed for this duty?
I didn’t have a chance to prepare anything for my current situation. However, I would like to share some experience I had through my working time. I believe that it would become a major benefit if you could study further on Finance Accounting and Management Performance Analysis to perform better task in Business Profit and Loss. In addition, get used to various Office Programs that could be a useful tool along the studies. Never stop practicing in reading or writing for high quality performance in Strategic Planning. It will definitely be a great help in faster understanding in key points and drawing up reports.
What was the most memorable
experience in your life
at the company?
It was unusual but motivating to see how Hankuk invested in Mentoring system for better Company’s growth. On my first day, I was impressed by their mentoring program and Employee Mindset Training. In Hankuk Paper, we provide many activities such as sports or performing arts for employees so that they can have personal time to communicate about life in the company naturally. Employee Mindset Trainings are also provided in a more comfortable way such as going for a movie and discuss about each other’s feedback once the movie ends.
What is ‘Hankuk Paper’ to you?
I believe that Hankuk Paper is my life partner where I have spent and will be spending most of my time with.
Lastly, please offer a few
words of advice to those
applying for Hankuk Paper.
Hankuk Paper is one of a kind where they drive for better and higher. I hope to see many candidates who are willing to run with our company for their future.